Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Best in Color: August Week 1

The Best in Color: August Week 1 The I'm in House Beautiful Edition

Hooray for House Beautiful

Hooray for House Beautiful

Trend Tuesday: I can see clearly now that sunshine is here!

Trend Tuesday: I can see clearly now that sunshine is here!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lazy Wednesday

Another day that the beach took a backseat to working but catching a few warm rays of sun through the lightly rustling leaves made the hammock in mom's backyard a cozy place for a little catnap. Ahhh...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Giving Myself Time to be Creative

All of this moving has left little time for any actual work.  I've tried to keep all balls in the air but admit that I've really done a lousy job on the business end so am spending today getting myself reorganized and ready to get into action again this week.

For years I have followed the basic organization principals from David Allen's book Getting Things Done.  I thought a quick visit to where Merlin Mann expands on David's principals would put me in the right frame of mind to delve into this project.  To my surprise rather than being reminded of HOW to use the system I found myself asking myself WHY I was using it in the first place.  

It has been quite a while since I had given that question any thought and like many habits it is easy to forget why we began doing something and that's assuming we had what seemed like a good reason in the first place.

Anyway, one of the first comments from Merlin Mann on his website 43folders not only reminded me of why I even care about being efficient when managing my life but made me realize that somewhere between keeping my inbox clear and having the shoes in my closet lined up I had forgotten why I was following the GTD system in the first place.

Mann's advice to visitors to his site is exactly the opposite of what most of us would tell our visitors.  Here is what he says--

A very simple guide to leaving here quickly so you can get back to making something awesome. Ask yourself…

Why am I here right now instead of making something cool on my own? What’s the barrier to me starting that right now?

This is not an insult or put-down. It’s a useful question. Please, think about it, then search the site to see if we have anything that might inspire you to make something awesome today.

A simple but very wise statement that has inspired me not only to organize for the right reasons but also to re-think the advice I'm giving my own readers on Sensational Color and my blogs.  I think the light bulb just went on.  

Let's see if I can do a better job of sharing what I love and helping people gain the information quickly so that they can get on to doing what they love.